Tips: Lemon Icecubes


Get a jump on your hydration for the day by drinking a glass of room temp lemon water first thing in the morning. I set myself up for success by making sure I have everything I need on hand.

  • Start with a bag of organic lemons, juice those golden globes through a strainer and into an ice cube tray and allow to freeze.

  • Then I pop one cube into my glass of spring water on my way to bed so when I wake up I have room temp lemon water to chug before my feet even hit the floor.

  • Here’s why I love this: Lemons have tons of vit c so they support your immune system and your collagen production. They are alkalizing in the body so they help maintain a healthy ph in your system. Lemons boost hydration levels and flush toxins through the liver & kidneys. Plus freezing the juice in this way makes sure you don’t let any of those lemons go bad on the counter waiting to be juiced each day!