Thank you to Kristen of Woodside Holistic for allowing me to use this image beautifully depicting the connective tissue technique.
Remember me mentioning an amazing training retreat I was part of in September? Well the Connective Tissue massage technique was just one part of that wonderful week. I got to spend 5 days with a group of like-minded estheticians and, wow, what a supportive experience. The connective tissue work is taught by Anne Brahman who runs a holistic esthetician program and it is inspired by the work of Elizabeth Dicke (a German physical therapist). Taking advantage of the skin’s own incredible structure this technique causes a natural lifting effect while truly rejuvenating the tissue. We are working the space within the skin where the collagen and elastin live which supports the structure of our skin. Within this space live nerve endings as well as our blood supply for nutrients and our lymph system for waste removal. When we tune into this layer of our skin, not only does the health of our skin improve, but the nerve endings communicate with our brain and our entire body can feel the benefits!
The ever important protective acid mantle of the skin is generated from the inside out so by focusing on healing the inside layers of the skin, we can expect true rejuvenation by supporting the skins natural function. I highly recommend investing in the True Rejuvenation Package for the most effective and longest lasting results. By performing this technique on a weekly basis (for 8 weeks) we are able to thoroughly flush the lymphatic system (carrying away unwanted toxic buildup), flood the skin with healthy nutrients (through the interstitial fluid and circulation), and make space for the facial muscles to lift back up where they belong. What’s truly amazing to me about this work is how I am able to watch the skin change throughout the treatment. I can see the freshly oxygenated blood flush the surface of the skin. I can watch and feel the fluid drain from the puffy areas. I can feel the space created and I can watch as the muscles fully relax, you take a deep breath and let go.
This is my beautiful Mama and the image on the right is after only 1 connective tissue treatment! It’s amazing how the skin responds so positively when it’s given a dose of the nutrients and the love it needs.